Minimize risks and costs for companies.

RAMROD's XR products allow companies to train cost-effectively and at low risk, while remaining completely true to reality. Be attractive to your employees by using the latest technology to make learning fun.



We supply the hardware and design the software for you according to your requirements.

Static training simulations:

- For your security forces

- For your test environment

- For your employees

- As an occupational safety measure

- For your intensive static training 

- Scenarios with and without weapons possible

Everything can be represented. Together we work out processes that optimize your added value and occupational safety.

With the integrated RAMROD XR Store, you can also conveniently obtain established and high-quality objects, scenarios and environments from a library.



The supreme discipline - moving freely in virtual space. What you see, you can touch.

Dynamic training simulations:

- Universities

- For your firefighters

- For your employees

- As a worst-case simulator

- For your experience-oriented training

- Scenarios with and without weapons possible

Everything is possible. Together we will analyze your needs and advise you on the best way to build your product.

We and our extremely experienced partners can construct ANY environment and interaction walkable for you. 



01  Edutainment

You can motivate your employees through innovative and experience-oriented training.

Create shared moments of success and precisely control the stress components of the training to neither over- nor under-challenge your employees. You get a higher emotional commitment and higher stress resistance.

02  In-House

To ensure that your quality requirements are met, RAMROD XR products allow you to conduct your training in-house. No need to search for moderately successful service providers and rooms. Stay flexible by having short distances to the training and still be able to train much more intensively and precisely.

03 No permission

All RAMROD XR products are completely permit-free. They are completely independent whereas for exercises with hazardous materials, fire, weapons, etc. you cannot practice without a permit or even at all. Low barriers are attractive to potential applicants. Test your applicants to the fullest extent without hazard and liability risk.

Corporate Security Case Study

We examine how companies in the field of corporate security can experience better results and lower costs compared to traditional training methods by using RAMROD XR products.

Comming soon

Plant Fire Department Case-Study

Manufacturing companies that operate a plant fire department often have to deal with highly complex substances and scenarios when an accident occurs.

We are investigating whether and how RAMROD XR products can be used preventively, but also for repressive support of incident management in plant fire departments.

Learn More

04 cost control

All systems cost fractions, but represent a credible experience for the user.

The money saved can still be used to train even more intensively in the spirit of preventive health care or become free for your use in your company.

05 performance control

Stay up to date with the performance of your employees. All XR products have advanced analysis tools to give you full transparency.

Use the systems to make the best selection.

06 Customizable

Alle RAMROD XR Produkte sind vollständig an Ihre Bedürfnisse anpassbar. Wir konzentrieren uns gemeinsam mit Ihnen auf professionelle Lösungen für Ihr Problem.

Safety first

We learn this at a young age. In augmented reality, nothing can break. Experiments and training in the company must always have an economic justification so as not to endanger the existence or people. The limitedness of time and space is another factor. With augmented reality, the cost of training environments can be kept low and spaces can be used multiple times. In augmented reality (XR), there are only two agregate states for experiments: successful or ready to repeat. Failure, damage or even danger to health does not occur at any time, with complete physical and visual fidelity to reality at the same time.

Problems solved by XR in the future

GRIXR - Ginormous Response Trainer for Immediate Action in Extended Reality

With the large room in augmented reality, free rooms and areas with up to 2500m² can be represented.

Imagine a large machine or plant complex. With the GRIXR, engineers, firefighters and technicians can not only virtually walk around the plant, but also make repairs to it, conduct training, but also simulate emergencies and accidents.

They can move freely in the virtual reality and interact with everything that is displayed.

An extensive tracking system ensures that the position is determined to the nearest centimeter.

Through the XR environment, a haptic equivalent can exist for every virtual object, with which the user can interact.

Of course, special tools, physical rules, such as behavior of liquids, temperature or people can be added according to your wishes.

GRIXR is the freest system in terms of design, but fully integrable and interactable.

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